I go through spurts of wanting to do crafts and decorate all the time, then I take a vacation from crafts for a while. I guess you could say my CRAFTY HEART comes and goes. However, I always love to surf the blog world and see what all you creative crafters are doing...then I add your ideas to my someday craft list...glad we now have Pintrest to organize all of those! Something about the crafts I do...I don't spend a lot of money on them and I'll try to find the cheapest way to re-create a craft I've seen somewhere else. For example, S wanted to be Blu from the movie "Rio" for Halloween. First, they didn't even have a Blu costume you could buy at the store, and second, FRUGAL HEART doesn't let me buy already made Halloween costumes. So I went to the thrift store and with some help from my costumey sister, turned this blue hoodie into a Blu costume, costing about $7 total!